The Jean Monnet Chair on Financial and Insurance Markets Regulation (EUFIMAR) is the first chair dedicated to the cross-sectoral regulation of the financial and insurance sector of the European Union.
The project was started in the 2017-2018 a.y. and ended in the 2021-2022 a.y. This website collects its activities and results.
Prof. Michele Siri has been appointed Chair for the period 2017-2023.
The JM Chair in EU Financial and Insurance Markets Regulation (EuFIMAR) builds on the assumption that the increasing number of rules regarding EU financial sectors can significantly affect the activity of jurists, such as lawyers and judges, as well as that of consumers, firms and other professionals and financial services users. The Chair aims to boost the knowledge and to understand EU financial and insurance markets through a multi-step approach. To this purpose, the project implements curricular courses, seminars, conferences, cross-sectoral research.
The research is focused on the massive EU harmonized regulatory regime and on the effect of the law in action, which remains largely the preserve of the Member States. The aim is to have a larger picture of trends and consequences of EU financial policies for retail investors and insureds.
Conduct of business supervision is highly fragmented in the European Union and Member States are at different stages of development as regards their approach to consumer protection. An effective and efficient conduct of business supervisory framework contributes to a credible deterrence of market mis-conduct and allows for pre-emptive and proactive supervision by acting before a developing issue becomes widespread. In order to ensure transparency, simplicity, accessibility and fairness across the internal market that provides good and right outcomes for consumers, it is useful to evaluate the case law on retail investor protection and the supervisory enforcement of the conduct of business rules.
Ref. Project: 587810-EPP-1-2017-1-IT- EPPJMO-CHAIR
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.