3rd October 2019 - Lecture - EU insurance regulation and FOE/FOS

4th October 2019 - Lecture - EU financial markets regulation: past and present

21st October 2019 - Lecture - Building blocks of EU investor protection

28th October 2019 - Workshop on the implementation of EU conduct of business regulation and supervision in the financial and insurance sector - Robo-advice under MiFID II regime

8th November 2019 - Workshop on the enforcement of EU conduct of business regulation and supervision in the financial and insurance sector - «Product Oversight and Governance» in the first implementation of MiFID II and IDD regime

15th November 2019 - Lecture - Governance and Organization of Trading Venues: The role of Financial Market Infrastructures Groups

2nd December 2019 - Lecture - European Union Regulation of the Securities and Derivatives Markets and the Governance of the Post Trading Infrastructures

21st May 2020 - Annual Conference (Palace of Justice, Rome) - Investment Advice in Insurance, Banking and Financial Systems (CANCELED)