Michele Siri

Michele Siri is full professor of Corporate law and Financial Markets Regulation at the University of Genoa and teaches commercial law, capital market law, financial market law and insurance law in the Department of Law. He directs the Genoa Centre for Law and Finance, responsible for the EUSFIL and EUFIMAR projects, the interdisciplinary research unit dedicated to the regulation of capital markets at the national, EU and international levels.
He also teaches the law of financial intermediaries and markets in the master course in Economics and Management of Financial Institutions and Markets at the Luigi Bocconi University. As part of the LLM training, he is an adjunct professor in the EBI master in EU Banking and Financial Regulation at the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management and gives lectures in the master in European Banking Law at the University of Bologna and in the Master in Compliance in Financial Institutions at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan. He is a member of the scientific committee of Nedcommunity, the association of non-executive and independent directors.
His main research interests include European capital market regulation, sustainable finance, corporate governance, investor protection and supervision of insurance and financial intermediaries. He is the author of a monograph on the competitive regulation of stock markets, three other volumes on insurance law and regulation and over a hundred articles on financial market law. He contributes to the main international academic platforms (Oxford Business Law Blog; Columbia Law School's Blog on Corporation and the Capital Markets; Duke University Financial Economics Center FinReg Blog).